She Stops And Opens The Car Window – Watch When The Horse Hears Music On The Radio!

The horse’s reaction when he hears music! (Video)

Victoria Anderson-Gardner and her cousin, Morningstar Derosier, both hope to become filmmakers. They’re both studying film and went out on a shoot early last month for a documentary about indigenous youth participating in a tribal ceremony known as the Sun Dance. After they got their fill of dancing for the day, they packed their gear and headed on home. When they were driving, they spotted a beautiful horse by the side of the road… You can’t blame them for wanting to pull over to say hello. Although the cousins set out to find human dancers, their latest film subject has four legs.

Victoria wound her window down and turned up her music. The song was the Fleetwood Mac classic, “Dreams.” You’ll be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn’t like Fleetwood Mac, but apparently, fans of this iconic band aren’t limited to the human variety. They could never have imagined what the horse would do next. “We started singing and then noticed the horse started to dance, so we turned the music up even louder!”, said Victoria. 

This horse has great taste in music!

Animals simply never cease to amaze me. There are some people who claim they don’t experience feelings as humans do; some that they specifically can’t feel joy – but this is completely wrong! I’m always surprised when I see how smart and fun animals can be. This particular horse, from Ontario, Canada, is a brilliant example! It turns out that horses may well love music just as much as we humans do. The cousins couldn’t believe this majestic creature’s reaction —  and neither can I. Fortunately, the event was captured on film. Watch the video, the horse’s reaction has left the whole internet in stitches of laughter. 

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