She Tells Her Dog To Be Careful With The Baby – The Dog’s Reaction Is Priceless

Priceless reaction (Video)

Bringing home a new baby to a household with an existing dog (or dogs) should be done with great care and a good amount of foresight. Too often, new parents are so consumed with the needs and exhilaration of the new baby that they overlook the impact that this new tiny, loud, smelly creature may have on their dogs. To get a better sense of how your dog will cope with the new arrival, it is important to understand how your dog perceives the world around her.

Dogs are extremely sensitive to environmental change both physically and mentally. Things like people walking in and out of a room, strangers coming to the front door and raised voices during an argument will naturally illicit an emotional and physical response. How your dog deals with the new family member may vary greatly. We know that dogs and babies can be a great combination with the proper introduction, but sometimes that bond is instinctual. Her owner explains, “when we brought our first daughter home from the hospital we weren’t sure how the dog would react. Would she be jealous? Protective? We knew she would be a great family dog but we didn’t expect this!”

Curious and bewildered!

Daniel and his wife didn’t take the meeting lightly. They made sure Scout didn’t get too excited, keeping their voices calm and quiet, and they kneeled down on the floor as Scout goes to inspect the newest family member. It’s incredible to watch the process of this goofy Scout. Some people may say it’s dangerous to bring a baby into a home with a big dog, but as we’ve seen many, many times before, boxers are an amazing breed. It’s really wonderful to see the reaction and behavior of the dog. Watch the video, the meeting between this dog and the newest family member is a special and unique moment!

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