She Wants Her Baby To Say “Mama,” Now Keep Your Eyes On The Dog!

Keep your eyes on the dog!

Dogs are full of surprises. Even when you least expect it, they are ready to amaze you. However, to believe in the following, you’ll have to see it for yourself! Hearing a baby’s first words is every mother’s dream. It takes time and patience, and a little encouragement, before they’re uttering those first syllables that’s the start of everything new.

Soon, they’ll start to talk, and they won’t be able to stop. In this video, a young mum, from Utah, is trying to teach her baby to say “Mama” by offering him some tasty food. The mother repeats for a couple of time “MAMA” so that the baby can understand it easily, but nothing ever happens. On the other hand their dog, the Australian Shepherd, is putting a little effort to make it possible.

A very talented care dog!

However, the dog, named Patch, sitting next to the baby is extremely focused on the food, hoping he will get some. So something strange happens… I couldn’t believe, the dog said “mama” instead of the kid! I heard him say “Mama” before the baby. But not only can Patch speak, he’s also a very talented care dog. This little boy’s grandmother suffered a brain injury in a car accident and Patch has helped her recover, alerting the family to any seizures that she might have as a result of her injuries. This video makes me laugh out loud for real.

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