Since He Swallowed a Toy, This Great Dane Has The Internet in Stitches With His Farts

The dog suffer from excessive nauseating flatulence (Video)

Roland is a famous Great Dane thanks to the daily videos posted by his owner of his extraordinary farts. The icing on the cake: he always puts himself in strange positions before taking action. Roland has excessive flatulence, it’s true, but for good reason. “I think Roland brings joy to people with his interesting talent,” said owner Nicki Deutsch, 48.

Nicki Deutsch adopted Roland in 2020. She lives in Arizona (USA) with his family. Her giant dog has become, somewhat in spite of herself, famous on social networks thanks to her uncontrollable flatulence“Roland farts fiercely every day and he always does the downward facing dog yoga stretches before letting go”she said. The most popular clip — with 5.7 million views — shows the black-and-white pooch adopting a downward dog pose with his front paws down and rump high in the air. He then lets loose so cartoonishly loud it could’ve been a sound effect in “The Nutty Professor.”

Damaged intestines following a domestic accident

In 2021, Roland had the bad idea to play with a cat toy unsuitable for his large size, which he ended up swallowing. The piece of rubber then got stuck in his intestines. Roland had to undergo an urgent intervention at the veterinarian in order to extract it. “The toy was blocking his intestines which caused damage and part had to be removed” has explained Nicky. Veterinarians assured that Roland would recover and that was the main thing. Roland, fortunately, survived the ordeal but apparently was left with a peculiar side effect: galaxy-destroying gassers. However, they had not warned of the fact that Roland would suffer from excessive nauseating flatulence. Watch the videos, since then, Nicky started filming what the whole family is now going through.

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