Sleepy Puppy Tries to Keep His Eyes Open to Stand Guard Over Baby – Precious moment

Precious moment (Video)

We’ve all gotten to that point where we’re trying to hard to stay awake, but our body says, “nope, sleep is happening now.” That’s what I imagine is going on inside this cute little puppy. He was given the task of watching over this sleeping baby, but just can’t manage to keep his eyes open.

Without exaggeration, what you are about to see is probably one of the cutest videos you have ever seen. A newborn is sleeping peacefully and next to him his pet seems to watch him. This pup is trying so hard to stand guard over his helpless, sleeping friend but finally gives in. I love how the baby isn’t fazed at all while his companion continues to reposition himself. Hopefully the two will enjoy many more sleeping/wobbly standing sessions together.

Puppy stands guard over sleeping baby

This is a precious memory, and mom and dad revealed that they found the puppy tied to their fence just two days before the video was filmed! No wonder the little pup needed a nap, what with having been abandoned and adopted all in a matter of a few days! Her family commented, “She has grown up into a very sweet, very athletic dog.” Certainly these two will will be a great team in years to come. Watch the video, slowly the dog becomes tired, and forces him to keep his eyes open that will end in the most adorable way!

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