Sneaky Dog Refuses To Come Inside – Watch His REACTION When His Owner Calls Him!

Watch when his owner calls him! (Video)

Dogs are full of surprises. Our furry friends are very emotional creatures, and their near-constant happiness and love is always welcome. But sometimes, their surprises can be a bit sneaky. Some dogs like to sneak in a snack they know they aren’t allowed to have. Hours later, you might return home from work to discover Fluffy has eaten the entire bag of bread you left on the counter. Other dogs might hide their favorite toys in a place they think you’ll never look. But when you get into bed that night, you find yourself fishing it out from under the blankets and thanking the heavens it was only a bone and not a gargantuan bug.

Then there are the sneaky dogs that like to hide themselves. You might find yourself calling your dog back inside the house for an eternity, but they just don’t want to reveal their epic hiding spot. That’s definitely the case for one adorably mischievous dog named Tasha. In a video posted by Kelly Davenport Jackson, Tasha’s owner opens a sliding door and calls for Tasha to come inside. The video captures the large grassy backyard where you imagine the dog might soon come racing through. But Tasha is nowhere to be found.

What a clever pup!

After waiting a few moments before deciding the dog wasn’t there, her owner decides to close the door. And that’s when Tasha has her fun. As soon as she hears the door begins to close, Tasha peeks out over the top of a big flower pot just in front of the door. Her owner decides to have some fun of his own and reopens the door. As if on cue, Sasha hides herself again. “Tasha? Where are you Tasha?” he asks again, waiting to see if she’ll decide to join him inside. But again, Tasha stays perfectly hidden behind the huge garden pot. Her owner decides to try one last time, and of course, Tasha ducks into her hiding spot when she hears the door. Admitting defeat, her owner closes the door and she peeks up yet again, knowing she’s won this round. Watch the video, she’s definitely a hide-and-seek champion! 

Let’s just hope her owners have a way to find her in case her hiding spots get any more creative.


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