Snow Leopard Mama Acting Scared When Her Cub Practices Sneaking Up On Her!

Leopard mama acting scared! (Video)

Snow leopards are truly majestic creatures. They catch their prey by catching them by surprise and pouncing on them. They follow quietly in the shadows before they pounce. It’s a skill they’re born with but it still has to be practiced like a fine art. By the looks of things, this baby snow leopard is already excelling in their field. That’s why this mama snow leopard is making sure her cub practices his sneak attack…on her.

In this adorable clip, we see a baby snow leopard practicing their sneak attack with his mama snow leopard by their side. As the saying goes, ‘practice makes perfect’ and this young snow leopard is well on its way to success. Visitors at a zoo noticed the snow leopard cub hiding behind a rock, patiently watching his mother who is relaxing not far away. Every time the mama turns her head, you see the cub move ever closer, keeping as low to the ground as possible. Then it stands still like a statue whenever she looks in his direction. He lowers into a “pounce” position as his mama pretends not to see him.

She jumped higher than a kangaroo!

As soon as the mama snow leopard walks in the tiny cub’s direction, that’s when the creature springs into action…Wham! But it wasn’t the cub that ended up ‘springing’ the most, the mom was so startled by the pounce that she jumped higher than a kangaroo! As the cub tries to get her, the mom quickly leaps out of its way with agility and grace. It’s a moment that catches the young snow leopard and the visitors off guard. Watch the video, this little creature might be small, but it certainly knows how to scare his target.

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