Soldiers Help Reunite Man With His Dog In Bombed Town Of Bucha – Touching Reunion

Touching reunion (Video)

Here is an extremely heartwarming video between an owner and his dog, reunited after weeks of separation. Bucha in Ukraine was shaken by the atrocities of Russian troops, with photos from the city showing widespread devastation. When the city was recaptured by Ukraine, while patrolling the town, soldiers found a lost dog. The soldiers did everything they could to find the owner of Nessie, a Husky dog.

And they succeeded in their mission, because on the 6th of April, the soldiers were able to reunite with Nessie’s owner in the car park of a supermarket in Kiev. Nessy was separated from her family when Russian troops occupied the Ukrainian city in March. The scene was filmed and the video of their reunion is heartwarming! At the beginning of the video, we can see Nessie walking at a fast speed. And then, as soon as the dog sees her dad, she starts to run towards him.

Ukrainian soldiers find the dog’s owner

The owner greets his dog with open arms to give her a big hug. The dog then starts wagging its tail in excitement and squeals with joy.“Thanks for going back for her, guy. Thanks to everyone who helped,” a user wrote on Instagram. Soldiers in Ukraine say as the war rages on, they will keep fighting not just for the lives of people, but animals, too. Thousands who have fled Ukraine have taken their animals with them, but some had to escape so quickly, they had no choice but to leave their pets behind. Watch the video, the dog who survived Bucha howls with delight after reuniting with her owner.

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