Staff At Doggy Daycare Centre Are Caught On Camera

Staff caught on camera! (Video)

When you see this heartbreaking clip of a doggy daycare worker kicking the canines, it makes you question humanity. The Doggy Den in Sheffield, UK is under fire after a video was released showing one of the staff members kicking a dog multiple times. It also revealed more issues with the centre, like too few staff members for the amount of dogs. A former employee reported one of the incidents to management, but nothing was done. The centre has since taken their social media pages down. A local animal lover, Sophie Hill went to the centre to talk to Mr Greatorex, the owner. He willingly answered all her questions.

The footage was shared by former employees from the doggy daycare centre, which, according to them, they secretly filmed and uploaded to social media to expose the level of ‘horrific abuse’ taking place. An employee is seen kicking a large black dog, knocking him to the ground. He kicked him two more times when he returned to his feet. This same employee throws toys at the dogs’ heads. A volunteer is reported to have kicked a dog as well. In the video a Dalmatian dog is shown crying in a crate in the back of the center. The owner stated that the incidences happened over few months ago and neither of the abusive people were working at the centre. The videos were recently released by former employees who waited to publish them for fear of losing their job. When the videos first came out, Mr Greatorex condoned the actions, but then quickly deleted the post. In a pack mentality it is ok to use your feet Mr Greatorex previously stated. He states that he did not watch the entire video and claims it was wrong to kick the dog. Hill grilled Mr Greatorex with hard questions and asked why something had not been done about it. He claimed he was just made aware and “we do not operate on abuse. I have been in dog care for 10 years.” He states that 99% of the dogs that come there are pulling to get in.

“He was suspended immediately!”

A local dog trainer showed up during the live conversation and adds in that there are too many dogs. In the videos there is only one toy shown for 20 plus dogs. Former employees claim that there are only two staff members in a room of over 30 dogs. The guidelines are no more than six dogs per person. Dogs of all sizes are shown in the room together. RSPCA and the local news were contacted by Hill. RSPCA will visit the property for an inspection. “Our standards are good. We encourage the RSPCA to come down. The Doggy Den has, and always will be, a safe and friendly space for dogs’. Watch the video, some things don’t sit right with me.

Greatorex revealed the individual who shared these videos was sacked from the care centre for kicking one of the dogs. While the employee “was suspended immediately, on full pay” the person in question attempted to sue them for £10,000. However, the case didn’t make it to court.


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