Starving Dog Who Couldn’t Stand Up, Makes An Incredible Recovery!

An incredible recovery! (Video)

Rescued dog Barilla is a great example of how man and dog can do a great things together, if we just offer a helping hand and never give up. Eduardo Rodriguez, who runs a rescue center in Granada, Spain, has devoted his entire life to saving animals in need. But rarely has he been as affected as when he found Barilla. “I have saved dogs since I was a child and am used to seeing a lot of misery, but I have never seen a dog in such bad condition as Barilla,” he says.

When Barilla arrived at the rescue center, she was so thin from starvation that she could not even stay on her feet, and her body and vital organs were about to collapse and shut down! But the man who saved her, Eduardo Rodriguez, was determined to keep her alive and bring her back to life! The road to recovery would be long – Barilla only weighed 7,5 kilo when she was found. As you can see, it’s unbelievable how thin she was – but there was a light at the end of the tunnel! After seven weeks of intensive food and medical treatment, Barilla is unrecognizable! Now, she runs and jumps happily surrounded and protected by the love of her new friend and owner, Eduardo!

Now she is unrecognizable!

“She’d been so starved of food and water when we took her in that all she could move was her head and her tail. Barilla now looks like a different dog. Her recovery has been staggering,” said Eduardo. The vet said several times that…most normal dogs would have died. We’re inseparable now…The first day I saw her I told my colleagues I was going to keep her and that’s the way it’s been.” said Eduardo. Barilla has been welcomed with open arms by Eduardo, his wife, their daughters and their 5 other dogs. Watch the video, she makes an amazing recovery!

There are many happy days ahead for Barilla! Hopefully they’ll help her forget her tragic past.


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