Stranded Dog Lost on Frozen Mountain is Saved in Incredible Helicopter Rescue

It’s an incredible helicopter rescue (Video)

For much of the year, the Scottish Highlands are an idyllic piece of the world that will remind anyone of a fantasy adventure novel. But during the winter months, Scotland becomes an icy hellscape. Ben, the small Cavalier King Charles spaniel and bichon frise mix, found that out that hard way earlier this week. While on a trip with his family near Loch Avon, Ben ran away into the wilderness, before stormy conditions later took hold. For two days, Ben suffered in the cold and snow without food or water. But then, a miracle.

Inverness Coastguard helicopter crew spotted the dog on a narrow ledge above a 60m (200ft) vertical drop. How Ben managed to get up the mountain without freezing to death is anyone’s guess, but that’s where he was. The rescuers was undertaking winter training with a visitor from Humberside Coastguard helicopter base, Kate Willoughby, at Stag Rocks in the Cairngorms. A Coastguard spokeswoman said: “The weather had luckily presented them an ideal window of opportunity to use the rest of their training time to rescue the dog.”

They spotted the dog on a small ledge over a 200-foot vertical drop

The Coastguard wasn’t about to let a small, shivering dog freeze to death on the side of a mountain. Just as they trained to, they lowered down a rescue worker who gathered up the poor pooch and then winched them both back into the safety of the hovering chopper. Ben was covered in snow, ice, and dirt, but he was alive. Rescuers cuddled him for warmth as he was airlifted to the nearby helicopter base. He was terrified and cold, so it was flown to the nearby Glenmore Lodge who then rushed it to the Strathspey Vets. Watch the video, it’s a surprising rescue!

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