Stray Dog Helps Kindergartners Crossing A Busy Street – He Was Very Serious About It

He has become quite an Internet sensation (Video)

We’ve seen so many impressive actions and skills from dogs and it just melts our hearts, right? Who wouldn’t love to see a dog do something out of the ordinary? This is a story about a stray dog that helped a group of kindergartners cross the street and his story will surely melt your heart! It was the usual busy day, everyone was trying to get to work, everyone rushing through the traffic. Nothing out of the ordinary, in fact, most of us would actually relate to this scenario – every single day!

On one part of the street, a group of adorable kindergartners in Batumi, Georgia were waiting for their turn to cross the road. Along with their chaperone, they patiently waited for some of the cars to stop. Sadly, the cars continued to drive past the children even in the designated crosswalk. While we do understand that it was the rush hour for most of the people, some should have been a little considerate and should have just let the children pass. While the children and their adult companions were waiting, there was someone who can’t stand the situation. He had to do something; these children have been standing there for quite some time now.

He was very serious and alert

The neighborhood stray dog that is known by the name Kursha stood up and took it upon himself to help this group of children. He immediately ran up to the pedestrian and started barking at the cars! He was determined and he wasn’t joking around. He was fast and agile, he kept on barking as if scolding the people on the car to stop and let the kids pass. Good thing his efforts work. The car stopped and he went back to the kids and even assisted them into walking into the pedestrian! All the time he was wagging his tail but he was also very alert. He knew what he had to do and he was very serious about it as well. As the kids and their chaperones were almost half way through, a small white van went straight ahead not slowing down even if there were children crossing. Watch the video, this prompted Kursha to bark and scold the driver!

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