Stray Puppy Rescued From The Street Three Years Ago Recognizes His Rescuer – Priceless

They shared a sweet moment of recognition (Video)

This little puppy was all alone in a busy marketplace in Sri Lanka, but through sheer will, perseverence, and of course cuteness, she battled her way into finding herself a forever home. In the city of Nuwela Eliya, the coldest in Sri Lanka, this puppy was trying to attract the attention of anyone she could. Running alongside people, wagging her tail, and doing anything for a little affection. Although the marketplace sees thousands of people passing through it every day, no one was paying her any notice.

The determined little pup refused to give up once she’d found some people that showed they cared. The team were part of an elephant rescue organization whose work focuses on projects rescuing elephants across Asia. The team stopped to pat the pup for awhile, but she began to follow them, and quite far, until they lifted her up and returned her to where they first met her. No matter how many times they took her back and walked away, she followed after them determinedly. Being unable to see this puppy on the streets, Lek and her team started asking passersby if they could take her in. Seeing that the dog was female and likely to have puppies, many people turned away. So the team scooped her up and took her with them.

The first night of comfort she had ever experienced

They took her back to their hotel room where Lek bathed and dried her. They bought her a new blanket and created a makeshift bed for her to sleep in that night, probably the first night of comfort she had ever experienced. But still there was the issue of where she was going to find a home. Finally they asked their driver, Thushara, to look after her for them and he agreed. It was decided that her name should be Lek Lek. Three years on, she is a healthy and happy dog. When she was reunited with namesake Lek herself, the two shared a sweet moment of recognition. Watch the video and check out the incredible rescue of Lek Lek. 

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