Teen And His Cat Try To Catch A Rat Trapped In The Toilet – Their Plan HILARIOUSLY Fails

Their plan hilariously fails

Cats are notorious hunters, but contrary to popular belief, not all frisky felines are fighters. This was a lesson learned the hard way for a teen who was just trying to clear his home of rats. Felines that either live in the wild or as indoor pets who are allowed to hang out outside by themselves kill between 1.4 billion and 3.7 billion birds. Seems like the teen in this video missed that, this stat was about birds, not rats.

His plan seemed simple enough: Use a broom to “sweep out” the vermin hiding behind the toilet, then let his trusty pet cat finish the job. Unfortunately, this Brazilian teen was hilariously wrong about the ferociousness of his domesticated kitty. We’ve all seen cartoons of cats chasing mice (Tom & Jerry), so it’s not hard to see how he might’ve been under the impression that his tabby would actually enjoy the task of hunting down the rat.

Who is more freaked out?

Fortunately, for those of us who enjoy a good funny video, the teen was filming the whole thing. The 0:50 second video can be divided into two parts: the confident “before” portion (0:00 – 0:20 seconds), and then… the after. The after is marked by a dramatic squeal from the rat followed by a cacaphony of screams from both the boy and his cat. It’s hard to tell who is more freaked out! That high-pitched scream was pretty perfect. But hell, he almost slams the door on his cat and kills him instead of the rat. Well, let’s just say that their plan completely fails… watch the video, it’s quite hilarious!

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