The Dog Refuses To Take His Medicine – His Reaction Is HILARIOUS!

His Reaction Is HILARIOUS!

One of the struggles of having a dog is when they get sick. We love our dogs so much, it breaks our hearts to see them in pain. So no matter what the cost, we give them the necessary medications and the best care to alleviate the pain and cure whatever illness they have. But in giving medications, we get to deal with another kind of struggle. The struggle of successfully administering the medication to our stubborn dogs. And who could blame them? Needles hurt and medicines taste awful! So we think of clever and creative ways to trick them in to taking their meds; like hiding the capsules in their favorite food!

But the Rottweiler in this video is too smart for that trick! Brutus the Rottie has arthritis,  he has to take multiple pills each day and his dad has tried all the tricks in the book to make him take his meds. He pretends to swallow the meds, but he spits it out when dad is not looking! In the video, Brutus is playing dead instead of swallowing his meds! As you can imagine, the poor pup absolutely hates it! This dog will do anything to get out of taking his medicine. “Bud, every time you take your meds we go outside and play,” the owner would coax the dog into consuming the tiny discs. One day, Brutus’s owner had to get Brutus to take five pills. The dog did not want to comply. Brutus’s owner managed to get all five of the pills into his mouth, but the battle wasn’t over yet. He still had to find a way to get the dog to swallow the pills.

Stubborn and very smart!

Brutus called on his creativity to get himself out of this tricky situation. In a clever act the dog laid on the floor, playing dead. The pills were sitting on top of his tongue, but Brutus wouldn’t budge. He made sure not to swallow them, holding them in his mouth until he started to drool. “He just puts them in his mouth and he won’t eat them,” Brutus’s owner explained into the camera. “If I put it in a piece of food, he’ll chew it up and spit it out – he knows. I’ve never seen him do this, though.” Brutus has many tactics to avoid swallowing the pills. “He’ll stick them in between his teeth and then kind of tilt his head back,” the owner shared. “Most of the time he’ll just eventually swallow them on accident.” Watch the video, his latest tactic is too funny and touching too!


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