The Emotional Reunion When Family Finally Finds Their Dog After 8 Years

The reunion after 8 years! (Video)

After nearly a decade, a Louisiana family found their long lost dog with the help of the Houston SCPA. Because of this microchip, Jasper is back in his family’s arms after eight years away from the loving bunch. The Hendry family, received the shocking bit of good news that their old, lost dog was alive and well from the Houston SPCA. “A couple days ago when we get a phone call from Houston SPCA, we were like, ‘Wait, what? You have our dog Jasper who went missing eight years ago? Like this cannot be real,” said Tiffany Hendry, Jasper’s owner. “After checking the pound and checking the neighborhood we just gave up hope and we just thought he was dead honestly,” Tiffany Hendry said of the long search for the dog, who went missing after escaping from the family’s yard so long ago.

The family was surprised at first to hear that Jasper somehow managed to make his way to the Texas city, but later learned the dog was likely picked up shortly after he went missing by someone in nearby West Monroe, Louisiana, who later moved to Houston with Jasper and then had to surrender the animal to the Houston SPCA. The shelter was able to connect the new arrival to the Hendrys, because the family made sure to get Jasper microchipped. It was an important decision for the Hendrys, who previously had a pet dog without a microchip that was stolen and never returned. “Chip your animals, you just never know. Hopefully, it’ll give some people a glimmer of hope. Maybe they’ll see one of their lost animals again.” said Matthew Hendry.

Emotion family reunion

Jasper, who is same dog aside from a little extra weight, happily reunited with his first owners on Friday, after friends of the Hendrys visiting Houston offered to drive the dog home. “Later that evening when we got home and it was just us, he climbed up on the couch and  got in my lap and cuddled with me. It’s like these moments where he looked at me dead in the eye almost if like to say, I know you. He was just looking into my heart saying, ‘I know who you are, I never forgot you,’ ” Tiffany said. Watch the video, the family says the dog still remembers them after all these years!

We’ve said it before, but we will say it again: get your pets microchipped.


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