The Lioness Has Just Given Birth – This Man Tries to Take One of The Babies!

Her reaction is so precious! (Video)

While lionesses are known to ferociously protect their cubs and don’t let anyone near, “lion whisperer” Kevin Richardson shatters all preconceived notions about this wild species and gets an up-close-and-personal at this majestic mama’s newborn babies. The number one most important lesson you need to remember when dealing with large and dangerous animals is probably to never to come between a mother and her babies. Even trained and docile animals can become enraged at a moment’s notice if their little ones are perceived to be threatened.

Richardson explains that a pregnant lioness must be separated from the pride in order to take care of her cubs in quiet. However, when the baby lions reach eight weeks of age, they’re strong enough to handle the big lions and will rejoin the pride. The lioness has just given birth to a few lion cubs and they are less than a week old. The love that Kevin has with the lioness is absolutely astonishing. It is proof that lions are a part of the feline family and it is a lot like playing with a giant cat. For Kevin, getting close to lions is far from a terrifying experience.

It’s incredible to watch this relationship!

According to his website, Kevin is a “self-taught animal behaviorist [who] has broken every safety rule known to man when working with these wild animals.” He has closely encountered lions, lionesses, and hyenas, getting to know these animals on deeply personal levels and paying close attention to their different personalities. Given how few humans are able to approach such dangerous animals, it goes without saying that Richardson’s work is truly gripping to watch. If you don’t think man and wild animals can get close to each other and form a bond, you haven’t seen the right clip. Watch the video, it’s one of the most endearing animal videos that you will ever see.

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