These Dogs Bark Ferociously At Each Other Through Fence, Then The Gate Starts To Open!

The Gate Starts To Open! (Video)

Dogs can be very territorial, especially when they encounter others they don’t know. Naturally, unfamiliar dogs can seem like an automatic threat to their food supply, finding mates, and snoozing on the best part of the couch. No way will they let other competitors grab what’s rightfully theirs! If you have a “tough dog,” then you know they can’t help but bark. Sometimes small dogs who weigh no more than 10 pounds, yet the second they see another dog, they think they are a 100-pound German shepherd.

They’ll bark right in their face to tell them off. If you happen to share a fence with your neighbor, chances are you’ve caught your dog barking its head off at them. Just like the dogs in the video! But, if they were in the same yard, do you think they’d keep barking, get in a fight, or get along? It’s hard to tell. You don’t really want to test the theory, but I think we all know our dogs well enough to know when they’d back down. In this video, filmed somewhere in Chile, there are three dogs inside a fenced-in area. One dog is outside the yard, barking at them while they bark back.

Separated only by a metal fence gate!

All of the dogs look ready for some action. If we could translate what they’re saying to words, I imagine there it is things like, “Let me at him” and “You don’t want to see me outside of this yard!” Completely absorbed in barking ferociously against each other these dogs that are separated only by a metal fence gate do not notice that the gate is opening!  They can actually get to each other but they continue to bark until there is nothing separating them … and then?! Watch the video, enjoy the ending… it’s incredible!!!

While domesticated dogs may not get into as many fights as their wolf ancestors or feral cousins, they can certainly get angry at one another! So when two dogs got into a bit of a kerfuffle through a large gate, others felt the need to join in to try to protect their territory.

But there was something… unusual… about this particular barking brawl that will have you shaking your head.


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