Saved From A Garbage Can, They Also Discover Another Nice Surprise!

They save this dog from a garbage can

Hope for Paws do an amazing job rescuing homeless dogs in dire need every day. And their recent rescue of Zoe and her puppy is no exception. A man in southern California recently left his home and in doing so, he mercilessly left his dog behind. Forced to brave the world by herself, the female dog wandered the streets of her hometown searching for food and shelter. Like many other stray dogs, she got pregnant and was forced to give birth in horrific conditions.

But luckily, a kind soul saw the dog in her state and made her a makeshift shelter out of a dustbin for her and her puppies. There she was able to nurse her puppies away from the dangers of the streets. As if her situation couldn’t get any worse, a group of local children found the mother and cruelly stole her babies from her. They took all of her puppies, except one. The mother put all her life force into protecting her one remaining baby, an adorable little black puppy. So when Hope For Paws came to rescue them, she was extremely protective and growled at the volunteers, convinced they were going to steal her one last baby.



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