Lion and Baby Girl Are Invited to a TV Show – Things Go Wrong When Baby Starts to Whine

Lion and baby girl (Video)

At the start of the video everything looks to be under control as two handlers sit with the wild animal on a lead and talk to the show’s presenter. In between the two parties is a mother, who holds her young daughter in her lap. From the very beginning of the clip, the child is visibly afraid.  The lion cub sits on the floor and appears to be quite calm until the baby starts to whine – a sound that sends it into a frenzy. The high-pitched squeal seems to offend the feisty feline’s sensitive ears.

Within seconds and without warning, the lion suddenly jumps to its feet and lunges at the little girl, grabbing hold of her leg with its sharp teeth. The attack causes the baby to scream in terror, which only aggravates the situation as the female handler calls for calm. The trainer can be seen wrestling with the lion’s face while trying to force it to let go of the child. Meanwhile the toddler’s mother, who appears shocked, instinctively stands up and tries to prize her daughter away from the lethal predator.

The lion into full attack mode

Eventually the two trainers are able to prise the lion’s jaws open and pull the little girl’s leg free. The male trainer then heads off with the cub as the woman pulls the baby’s trousers up and gives her a hug to apologise for the incident. One of them tells her in Spanish: “Relax, relax, relax. Don’t move, don’t move.” Luckily the little girl wasn’t hurt and trainers said the lion was only playing with the toddler. Perhaps like a cat might play with a mouse. Bizarrely the mother is then seen to be laughing, although some viewers have suggested that this may be a shock reaction. Watch the video, it is unacceptable, lions don’t belong on the sets of TV programs!

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