Heartbreaking Moment When This 83-Year-Old Man Finds His Cat After House Burns Down

A heartbreaking moment! (Video)

An 83-year-old man clutches his pet cat while weeping over the charred remains of his home. Ali Meşe, from Ordu Province in the Black Sea region of Turkey, burned his house down after trying to light his wood stove with gasoline. He had lost so much. As everything he loved perished in front of him, leaving him homeless and without possessions, he took comfort in cuddling up to his adorable feline friend. The old man hadn’t lost one very important thing to him — his tiny, blonde-furred cat.

Neighbours alerted firefighters to Ali’s home after noticing the flames. He had been trying to cook on a wood stove but the gasoline he poured on caused it to explode. Thankfully, Ali and his family – and one of his cats, called Sarikiz, translated as ‘Blonde Girl’ in English  – were saved from the blaze and no one suffered serious injuries, local media reported. A team sent by the Bolu Governement is also preparing the new house for the pensioner. International well-wishers have also taken to a GoFundMe page and raised some money for Mese and his family.

Love is everything!

Ali has always been very fond of cats and had a handful living with him at the time of the tragic accident – but only one managed to get out alive. The pensioner also lost almost all of his hens in the blaze. “13 of the 14 hens in the basement died during the fire,” Meşe said. Ali was taken to the hospital to treat his minor burns and emerged a day later with a heavily-bandaged right hand. But he was then reunited with his beloved cat. The inseparable pair looked ecstatic to finally be back together after their horrific ordeal, cuddling up to each other in a blissful embrace. Watch the video, the powerful moment Ali and his cat shared exemplifies the human-animal bond.

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