This Boxer Is Scared – What Is He So Afraid Of? His reaction is HILARIOUS!

His reaction made me laugh out loud! (Video)

As the age-old saying goes, “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog” — and that has never been more true than in this hilarious video. It seems like the bigger the dog breed, the more scared some dogs tend to become. Particularly against very little, inanimate objects. It’s almost like a cliche, at this point. And this video basically bears it out. I have seen dogs get scared over the most hilarious things. I am sure you have often caught your dog getting terrified at things that are actually innocent and harmless. But this little pooch takes the cake!

Lots of people would be intimidated by this dog. He’s a large, sturdy, muscular Boxer who’s probably got a sharp set of teeth. But you don’t have to be scared of him. He’s actually the one who is terrified. You are going to be in stitches at what this boxer does when he sees a feather. His adorable antics made me laugh out loud. When he saw a “spooky” feather hanging on a pane, this boxer just could leave it alone. The terrified pooch can be seen walking curiously towards the tiny object before sprinting and jumping away out of pure fear. Humorously, Boxer slowly kept coming back to sniff the fluffy thing as he continued to inspect it, while the person filming could be heard giggling quietly in the background.

An epic confrontation!

It seems like he really wants to know what it is, but he is scared to touch it. The closer he gets to the harmless feather, the more horrified he gets. But this dog doesn’t just cower and walk away from this scary, mysterious object. He approaches it with curiosity—but with a healthy dose of restraint. It’s quite admirable, in fact. His reaction will no doubt steal your heart! This boxer is just so adorable, I kind of want to just pat his head and let him know it’ll all be okay. Poor guy. Watch the video, if you want to know who ultimately wins the battle between dog and feather! It’s both hilarious and cute how much this particular dog overreacts.

The clip shows the canine’s scared reaction when it came face-to-face with a small feather, wedged between two sliding glass doors.


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