This Dog Was Afraid To Be Touched – This Man Did Something Unexpected To Help Him!

An incredible metamorphosis! (Video)

Sassy, a German Shepherd/Border Collie mix, was found living in a field with a group of dogs. Since she was already with many dogs, she was extremely social with them, but it was clear that she had spent little to no time with humans. When she was rescued, she didn’t even want to be touched. She was terrified and avoided human contact at all costs. She wasn’t exactly welcoming whenever anyone tried to touch her. The dog would seem very scared of anything strange to her. But that was about to change!

She was place in a foster home, but they knew they had to do something to help her socialize better with people. That’s when she went to live at a training facility over 6 months and the things changed. She received one-on-one attention with a trainer who shows her what love and confidence are. After spending time with her trainer, she allowed him to pet her, walk her on the leash, bathe her, and teach her commands. She has come a long way and is now a very sweet and friendly dog.

She has come a long way!

Sassy now knows how much humans actually love her. In fact, she’s now adopted by a really loving owner who treats her like a diva. In return, Sassy can’t keep dear self from dishing out hugs and kisses every chance she gets. She’s a lovely one! The dog who was once terrified of being touched can’t stop giving kisses now!  Watch the video to discover his incredible metamorphosis and witness all the steps of the rescue. It’s so lovely! Well this video will certainly make you love animals even more !

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