This Dog Was Finally Going to be Adopted But He Refused to Leave Without His Friend

Dog refused to leave without his best friend! (Video)

This video is so emotional! Two dogs named Lucy and Sully arrived at a shelter within days of each other. With many pups already at the shelter, staff had no idea that these two would become so close. As soon as they met, they bonded instantly. Lucy was brought to the shelter as a stray, while Sully was adopted once before and then returned back to the shelter. Perhaps it was because they both had rough pasts and understood each other, but regardless, they became the best of friends. Lucy was also like a mother figure to Sully, since Sully was just a puppy when he came to the shelter, and Lucy was several years older.

A woman named Alaina Brinton decided to get a new dog after her senior dog passed away. She saw a picture of Lucy at her local humane society and wanted to meet her; she had a feeling that she would be a great fit for her home. The shelter told her that Lucy had been fostered with another dog from the shelter, and they wanted her to also meet her friend. Brinton didn’t plan on adopting two dogs, but she agreed to meet Sully too. When she got there and saw how close the two dogs were, she knew there was no way she could separate them by only adopting one. Thankfully, Brinton wound up loving both of the dogs and agreed to adopt them both!

This will certainly touch your heart

“Besides, it was obvious Sully was looking to Lucy to show him what things were or weren’t okay, and I wouldn’t have had the heart to split them up.” said Brinton. When she brought them to their new forever home, it was obvious why the dogs needed each other. They were both nervous in different ways, but they both helped each other feel better. “The same way they feed off of each other’s excitement, they also fed off of each other’s growing comfort,” explain Brinton. “They settled in together, and figured out the new routine like a team. It was perfect, and I think it was a much easier transition for each of them because of the company of the other.” They are always by each other’s side no matter what. Watch the video to discover how their love and friendship has become so strong. Well this video will certainly touch your heart !

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