This Girl Pretends To Cry And Be Sad – The Horse’s Reaction Is Priceless

The horse’s reaction is priceless (Video)

Horses are majestic animals and have deep feelings. Unfortunately, many still believe that animals have no feelings or when we talk about empathy and compassion in animals, most think of dogs. It is obvious that the doggies are very loyal and are constantly concerned about the well-being of their owners. But, as this video shows, other animals also have a lot of empathy and compassion, especially horses.

This girl wanted to have her horse’s compassion tested. She wanted to see how her horse would react if she was sad. She then decides to sit in the stable a few meters from her horse. She curls up on herself, sitting on the floor with her head hidden, then she starts to pretend to cry. At first the horse continues to eat, but then he hears her cry. Taken aback, the majestic animal looks in her direction. Then he picks up some straw and carries it to its young owner!

She starts to pretend to cry

The animal is clearly concerned and tries to help the young girl as best he can. The horse slowly approaches its owner with its head to offer comfort. Watching the video you immediately understand why horses therapy helps so many people. They are magnificent, majestic, sensitive, loving animals that must be protected. Watch the video, it’s adorable to see how sensitive and empathetic horses are.

This behavior is completely in line with several studies showing that horses also feel empathy.


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