This Mother Dog Sure Her Baby Was Safe Then Went Off To Die – We Couldn’t Accept That

The team had to act quickly to save both (Video)

There is no greater power on Earth than mother’s love! What wouldn’t we do to ensure our children are safe and loved? That answer is pretty obvious for many parents but would you expect the same from a dog? Helen, a mother dog who had experienced unthinkable things, still had something to live for: her son Oscar. When they first spotted Helen and her son Oscar, Viktor Larkhill and his team were aware these mother and son were in a desperate condition and if they wanted to save them they had to act really quickly. They were both in the verge of death and were running out of time. Fearing that the dogs wouldn’t let them approach, Viktor was very careful, but he soon realized that Helen somehow knew they were there to get them out of that place covered in garbage, so she let him get closer and take her son in his hands.

Helen stood still and allowed the rescuers do their job. Her son was about to be saved and that was all that mattered.“It was a difficult, tense moment. A sudden movement could have triggered panic and they would have escaped. But the mother did something beautiful… Patiently, she remained still and calm while we won the trust of her son. Used to unspeakable abuse she must have been terrified at the strangers, but deep inside, but she must have felt that somehow, that rescuer was her son´s only chance. And so, she didn´t move an inch while we gained the trust of her son. Only when Oscar was in safe hands, she jumped out and ran away. She had sacrificed her life to save her baby. ” said the rescue group.

“We promised, we would not leave her behind”

“We promised her that we would save her beautiful son and we would return to find her.”And they did keep their promise. As soon as Oscar was placed at a safe place, the crew returned for the mother. Unfortunately, she was already way too weak to hang on, but the team never lost hope. Viktor took her in his hands and was determined to provide her with the assistance she was in a desperate need of. “Her condition is as bad, if not worst, as her son´s. Helen is completely emaciated and dehydrated, barely alive. Her blood poisoned by Leishmania, Ehrlichia and anaplasma, as her son was. Her kidneys are barely functioning. On her own, she would have never recovered.” said the team. Then they got this brilliant idea of reuniting her with her son and prayed for a miracle. Watch the video, once she spotted Oscar being safe and sound, it allowed her to gather the strength to keep fighting for her life.

She still has a long way to go. But hopefully, with all the love by the staff and the donations of kind-hearted people she will turn into a healthy dog that will have a great life ahead of her.


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