This Tiny Dog Faint From Happiness When She Sees Her Owner After Two Years!

Tiny Dog Faint From Happiness! (Video)

When Rebecca Ehalt had to move overseas to Slovenia for work, she made the heart wrenching decision to leave her dog, 9-year-old silver Schnauzer Casey, behind with her family, where Casey would be most comfortable. Ehalt visited her family’s home in Pennsylvania from Slovenia, where she’s currently living, for a wedding reception that her parents had planned for Ehalt and her husband. Upon returning, she reunited with her dog Casey, whom she hadn’t seen in two years!!!

As it turns out, Casey missed her owner even more; in a cell phone video recorded by Ehalt’s family members, Casey excitedly runs over to her long gone best friend, wagging her tail and squealing with excitement. But as her emotions get the better of her, and she becomes overwhelmed with joy, little Casey faints, passing out in front of Ehalt. She conceded that the reaction might be because the absence felt much longer to her pup. Their two-year separation “in fairness is 14 years in dog years,” she wrote in the caption with the video. As for the high-pitched noises Casey makes, that’s apparently normal for schnauzers. “Anyone who’s familiar with the breed knows they’re a little higher pitched,” Abbett said.

Dog passes out with joy during happy reunion with owner!

Though Abbett said they’ve never seen Casey faint before and that they were initially worried about her. But Casey was given a clean bill of health after a visit to the vet — a happy ending to an even happier video. Casey was just that thrilled to see her owner after so much time apart. Ehalt’s family, including sister Rachel Abbett, knew Casey was heartsick for Ehalt, but had no way of knowing that the happy reunion would affect the little Schnauzer to the point of passing out. But the love Casey and Ehalt share has always been a deep love, Abbett explains. It really is too much to handle for the little pooch who whimpers with pure joy until it’s time to lie down. Watch the video to see what happiness looks like. 

After yelping like crazy for about 30 seconds Casey slumped to the floor in front of Rebecca and an unknown family member.

To date the video of the dog’s fainting episode has been watched more than 49 Million times!!!


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