This Woman Comes Up With Brilliant Way To Cut Dog’s Nails Without Drama

A genius way to cut dog’s nails without drama (Video)

If you are a dog owner, you know the struggle that is clipping their nails. Most often times, it’s much easier to just leave the task up to the professionals. However, with many businesses closed, dog groomers are simply not an option. Lindsey Shelton has had a lot of time on her hands lately, while sheltering at home in California with her husband and two rescue dogs, Schmidt and Murphy, she realized it was time to do something most dog owners dread — give her pups a nail trim.

“Schmidt has always been slightly easier to handle,” said Shelton. “Usually, it takes me and my husband wrestling him like a crocodile.” Murphy, however, needs more professional intervention to get his nails clipped. With no groomer or vet to come to her rescue, she decided to get creative. Her dogs both love peanut butter, making it the perfect distraction. But how could she give it to them while using both her hands to clip their nails? In a moment of inspiration, Shelton wrapped her hair and forehead in saran wrap and smeared xylitol-free peanut butter all over it. The idea may sound and look silly, but it’s incredibly genius! 

It actually worked!

Her dogs smelled the peanut butter right away and hurried over to see what Mom was up to. Shelton positioned Schmidt in front of her and, at first, the pup couldn’t figure out where the peanut butter smell was coming from. But as soon as she tipped Schmidt’s head up to her forehead, he started to happily lick away. She coaxed him with calming words and soon all the nails on his front paw were trimmed. Just remember, don’t use any peanut butter that has chocolate in it, because chocolate is quite dangerous to dogs. Watch the video, both dogs enjoyed the peanut butter at first, but Murphy seemed less impressed with the setup.

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