Toddler Wants to Sleep In His Best Friend’s Bed – Dog’s Reaction Is Priceless

Dog’s reaction is priceless (Video)

Sometimes, the love between a dog and a person is just too much to handle. This is one of those times. When a baby tries to climb into the dog’s bed, the pup’s reaction will warm your heart. Every kid must have a pet. Having an animal as a part of the family has many benefits. Kids, who have pets, have more developed Emotional Intelligence.

Learning to take care of a depending animal, to be gentle while stroking it, playing with him, tending to him when he’s sick, teaches kids be more responsive to the emotions of others. Dogs love nothing more than to join us in bed after a long day. But if we tried to do the same in their beds, they might not be too into it… unless you’re this baby. When baby Alfred tried to sleep in the bed that’s usually occupied by his family’s Rhodesian Ridgeback, Lea, it looked like he was overstepping his boundaries. But Lea had a better idea of how to accommodate the tiniest member of her family, and it’s beyond cute!

Compassion and understanding!

We bet that Alfred and Lea will be the best of friends! The dog loves his baby brother so much that he removed his blanket, laid it on the floor and decided to sleep on the floor so his baby brother can sleep on his bed! I don’t know what to say, all I do know is that their friendship is going to be a very, very strong one. Watch the video, that dog has just as much compassion as humans. 

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