Too Excited, He Fails Agility Test Miserably – But He’s Stealing Hearts All Over The World

He stolen the show!

Unlike the Westminster Dog Show and other more staid contests, the Crufts annual celebration of all things canine seems to find room for everyone to join in the fun in Birmingham, England. The rescue dog agility competition is one such event that allows animals that may never win best in show a chance to shine. A little Terrier named Olly took that chance and ran with it — all over the course.

In this video, that captured the performance, Olly can be seen approaching the race less like a champion and more like the excitable pooch that he is. After happily face-planting through a barrier, Olly speeds past several obstacles before eventually taking a mid-race break to sniff a corner of the track. With his spunky spirit and peppy attitude, Olly doesn’t need anything to affirm the fact that he’s a strong, independent little pup who don’t need no trophy. The dog got over excited during the agility competition and ran around the wrong way.

The crowd is on fire!

He refused to take any instruction from his handler Karen by ignoring other jumps and going through the tunnel the wrong way. The announcer can’t stop laughing and can be heard saying amicably as Olly ignores the obstacles: “He’s all over the place and so he should be. He’s going the wrong way, but it doesn’t really matter, does it? He is an absolute handful. Totally crazy and as you can see he’s having a ball. He loves life and exercise.” Summing up his performance, the announcer said: “That’s one of the best shots I’ve seen in a long time.” The viral video has already racked up more than 7,5 million views. But don’t take our word for it. You’ve got to watch this for yourself!

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