Touching Moment – Courageous Dog Helps Owner Pushing Car Stuck In Floods

Dog helps pushing car stuck in floods (Video)

Various parts of Scotland continue to be battered by heavy downpours, with some roads in Glasgow completely submerged by rainwater. But when two women found themselves stuck in their car, a woman called Lori Gillies, 33, came to their rescue – along with her brave dog, Puck. Incredible footage shows as Gillies starts pushing them out of the deep flood waters to higher ground, while her pet swims around her.

Suddenly, Puck, a springer spaniel, decides to stop larking about and moves over to the car, putting its front paws onto the back to begin pushing with Gillies. Torrential rain had meant the water was up well above Lori’s knees in Harland Street, near the River Clyde. The clip was posted on Social Media. Onlookers couldn’t believe it when Puck put his paws on the back bumper and helped her push. “Just doing a good deed helping this car and its owners get to drier land. Puck really is the best dog in the whole wide world, she said in the caption. “Someone has filmed it and sent it to their pal, who sent it to my pal who sent it to me.”

The strong and intelligent dog was considered a hero

Davie Keel, who was filming the rescue effort, can be heard saying ‘wee dog, giving it a push’ and ‘what a dog, man’. The strong and intelligent dog was considered a hero. “Puck is 10 years old, but he’s in good shape,” explained his owner. “We have horses so he’s still on the farm and we climb mountains. This activity involves climbing the highest peaks in Scotland.” Gillies said Puck was rewarded with a special dinner of meat and gravy and some biscuits. Watch the video, the ‘Superhero’ dog helps push car stuck in floods to safety.

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