Touching Moment Disabled Man Climbs Out Of Wheelchair To Rescue Kitten From Drowning

Man risks his ​life to rescue kitten (Video)

The old expression “curiosity killed the cat” comes from their adventurous nature. Cats, especially kittens, have a reputation for getting into trouble, and this often has horrendous consequences. Sometimes these feline mishaps can pose a threat to both cats and humans, which is what happened recently in Malaysia. A curious kitten was exploring as they tend to do when he got caught in an outdoor weather drain. There was no way the poor thing could escape, but one human named Abu Mujtahid wasn’t about to give up on it.

Abu is a 36-year-old man who is confined to a wheelchair. Abu and his friend were on their way to a sports facility to train when they noticed the kitten struggling in the drain on the side of the road. However, Abu was not in an easy position to personally save the kitten from the weather drain, being disabled and unable to use his legs, but this did not deter him from climbing out of his wheelchair. After doing so, Abu was able to use his hands to maneuver his way over to the stricken animal. This heroic act was actually quite dangerous for Abu because a slip of his hands could have sent him into the drain himself. Given how steep the bank was, the hazard required a lot of caution.

This heroic act was actually quite dangerous

Abu decided that he should save the kitten instead of his friend because his companion was using prosthetic legs which would be even more dangerous on the steep terrain. The descent wasn’t the only hurdle. After he successfully managed to reach the bottom of the slope, Abu had to lean precariously over the edge of the drain to grab hold of the stranded kitten. The feline appeared to be fine, scampering off as soon as Abu set it down on the grass. Watch the video, he was glad to save the kitten even though the trip on the grass with his hands was arduous.

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