Touching Rescue – Driver Sees a Closed Plastic Bag Moving On The Road

Moving garbage bag on the road (Video)

Malissa Sergent Lewis wasn’t expecting to save a life on her way into the office. But that’s exactly what she did. She was running a little late to the elementary school in Kentucky where she works, so she decided to take a shortcut through a back road instead. It was there along that quiet country street that, despite her hurry, Lewis took notice of something shockingly out of the ordinary.

The video that Lewis captured on her cell phone shows the trapped creature hobbling toward her approaching vehicle. “I saw this trash bag in the road, and I thought to myself, ‘Did I just see that bag move? The closer I got, I realized it was moving,” she told. “I could hardly wrap my mind around that. Something was alive in that bag, and I just knew I had to get whatever it was out.” Not knowing if it was a dangerous sort of animal inside the bag, Lewis approached with caution. But she helped regardless.

Thankfully, the dog found the right person

The bag was tied off in a knot, so I carefully tore a corner and looked inside,” she said. “It was a puppy. And he sure was glad to see me. As soon as I opened it up, and he saw light, he just started wagging his tail. He knew he was OK. I couldn’t believe it.” It isn’t known if the puppy had been discarded by his owner, or was perhaps stolen and put there by someone else. Lewis was heartbroken, she couldn’t believe someone would do this. Thankfully, the pup is now in good hands, as Lewis has taken him home. Later on, they took him to the vet to make sure he was truly all right after that unimaginable act of cruelty. Thankfully, though, the puppy found just the person to help him, not just in that desperate moment, but for a lifetime. Watch the video captured by Lewis on her cell phone!

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