Tourist Are Approached By Gorillas And Gets The Most Unexpected Experience Imaginable!

 Unexpected Experience Imaginable! (Video)

Bwindi is home to roughly half of the world’s population of mountain gorillas which are an endangered species. Very occasionally young gorillas approach humans but local rangers at the reserve said interaction between wild gorillas and humans is virtually unheard of. But John King and his friends had an incredible chance encounter with a family of wild Mountain Gorillas while visiting Uganda’s Bwindi National Park. The park is a refuge for the endangered animals. During their safari, the tourists were unexpectedly visited by a group of curious young gorillas, including a giant Silverback male. The gorillas gave him a bigger welcome than he ever expected.

The rare encounter caught on camera shows Mr King sitting beside a trail when a family of wild mountain gorillas joined him. Intrigued by their fellow primate, three babies, a female and the silverback decide to sit down right behind him. Two of the gorillas then start touching the wildelife enthusiast’s hair and sniff him in an apparent attempt to groom him. “I just feel like one of the gang,” Mr King is heard saying. A voice from behind the camera explains it could be his black T-shirt which is fooling the primates into thinking he is one of them.

The rare encounter caught on camera!

What an incredible thing to experience something as profound as this! It is most certainly a once in a lifetime encounter and it must have been thrilling for John King to feel the baby gorillas grooming him like that. Staged wildlife encounters are rarely a good idea – and gorillas in particular should be given a wide berth. But when interactions happen as organically as this, they’re incredible. “[It] just happened in a very natural way,” King says in the video. “There was no staging or choreographing. It was an innocent interaction with wild gorillas, and it was absolutely thrilling.” Watch the video, it’s an amazing experience! The video goes viral with 10 millions views.

Males gorillas can weigh around 400lbs (180kgs) with the average male eating up to 50 pounds (22kgs) of food a day.

John King,who is an American wildlife photographer and conservationist, has been travelling the world for the past four years with his wife to experience Earth’s remaining wild environments.


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