Two Brave Pigs Fight Off A Bear Who Climbed Into Their Pen – It wasn’t expecting That

The bear clearly wasn’t expecting things to turn out like that (Video)

Video from Rebecca Shaw of New Milford shows the incident. Shaw says the 4-year-old pigs, Hamlet (Hammy) and Mary, belong to her daughter, Samantha. Samantha moved from Tennessee to California about a year ago and couldn’t take the pigs with her, so her mother took them in. “I’ve been in love with them ever since,” said Shaw. “They are amazing.” But a recent incident proved just how amazing Hamlet and Mary really are.

The other day, Hamlet and Mary were hanging out in their enclosure when an unexpected visitor dropped by. The visitor was a bear — and he was none too shy about letting his presence be known. Seeing the pigpen, and its pudgy-faced occupants, the bear climbed up and in, assuming, perhaps, that these pigs were pushovers. He was wrong! Hammy immediately attacked the bear, forcing it back to the fence. Mary then charged the bear and backed it into a corner. Shaw only checked the surveillance because her son and brother were yelling about a bear roaming outside the home, and that was when she saw the incredible footage. 

The bear then climbed up and in

At first sight of the sudden intruder, Hamlet and Mary teamed up to send the bear packing. The bear clearly wasn’t expecting things to turn out like that. After getting pounced on, Mary put up a valiant fight. And then Hamlet stepped in to drive the bear away for good. Amazingly, neither were hurt in the scuffle. Shaw has always thought the world of her pigs — but seeing video of their heroism in action, she can’t help but love them even more. “Thank goodness they were unharmed because it could’ve turned out much worse,” Shaw said. Watch the video, the bruin seems to quickly realize it is seriously outnumbered and makes a dash for it, climbing out the pen as fast as it jumped in. 

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