These two dogs refused to give up their human and did an amazing thing!

They did an amazing thing!

Paramedics were called to rescue a man who had fallen and injured his head on a street in Chimbote, Peru. When they arrived, however, they quickly discovered he was not alone. During his ordeal, the wounded man’s two dogs had remained by his side. With emergency crews on hand to help, they still refused to be parted. His dogs concern was so great, that when the ambulance arrived to take this man to the hospital, his dogs insisted on riding with him.

Humans talk about sensitivity and empathy. Well, it seems to me we know who our greatest teachers are and they ARE NOT “people.” Dogs consistently operate on another wave length when it concerns their owner. It’s a love that we can only learn from, and aspire to emulate. These dogs were so concerned for their human that when he was in need, they were the ones that wanted to help. Even if that just meant keeping him company, and giving him assurance that he is deeply loved, and everything would be alright.

An example of loyalty!

Best of all, as video of the touching incident shows, the dogs were allowed to stay and comfort their owner during his ride to the hospital. Once at the hospital, the dogs’ deep desire to stay with their owner was readily apparent to his caretakers. Evidently, they let them stay, too. The man’s current condition isn’t known, but photos posted later that day by hospital intern Joha Morillas Zapata show him seated in a wheelchair with those two faithful dogs at his feet. Their gesture of love wasn’t lost on her, either. “Example of loyalty,” Zapata wrote. “The patients of the day.” Watch the video and how these two dogs have shown an incredible devotion!

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