Golden Retriever Puppies Are Baffled by Their First Sight of Snow – Priceless Reaction

Priceless Reaction (Video)

The holidays may be over, but it’s still a winter wonderland out there in some parts of the world. Lisa and Rusty Hanafin woke up to let eight-month-old brothers Harry Winston and Louis Vuitton out in their back garden in New York, US, after a snow storm. The 2 young golden retriever brothers got the joy of experiencing their first big snow.

The puppies were getting ready for their morning routine, but they soon realized their playground looks completely different. The Hanafins had no idea how their dogs would react when seeing snow for the first time, so they decided to capture the moment on camera. In the video, Footage shows Rusty opening the door to reveal a massive barrier of snow – leaving the two dogs staring at it, visibly perplexed. Reinsurance broker Rusty, 60, said that as soon as the pair realised that the white ‘quicksand’ wasn’t going to harm them they thought it was the ‘greatest thing they’d ever discovered’. After a few paws at the snow and a little encouragement from their owners, the dog duo decides to jump in.

40-inch deep snowdrift to play

Even though the pooches practically disappear under the snow, the golden retrievers seem to enjoy the new twist to outdoor playtime. “It was wonderful to watch them play in the snow,” said Lisa. “When they went out and it was falling they were looking up trying to catch it in their mouths – it was amazing.” Harry and Louis couldn’t get enough of the snow and they wanted to stay outside and enjoy the huge soft pillow forever. Watch the video, once their dad opens it, they just jump in the ocean of snow and their moment will melt your heart.

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