Uber passenger left something precious in the car. Now she’s not letting go of it!

He left something precious in the car!

A video and story that will melt your heart. An Uber driver, named Brandi, picked up a rider and his pit bull in north Phoenix last week and drove them 30 minutes toward the east Valley. She said the ride felt a little like an interview.“‘Does it bother you than she’s a pit bull?'” Brandi said she was asked. “No, I love pit bulls. They’re beautiful, gorgeous dogs.” When they arrived at his destination, an apartment complex, the passenger quickly got out. That’s when Brandi turned around and noticed the passenger had left behind his dog in the back seat. “He was gone and she’s standing right there,” Brandi said.

She quickly got out of the car and checked inside the apartment complex to look for the man, but to no avail. She then resorted to calling him, but the phone number linked to his Uber account was disconnected. It’s unknown what the passenger’s intentions were, but it seems as if he was trying to get rid of the dog, and believed that Brandi was a suitable person to care for him. Brandi turned to Uber to ask for advice, and they suggested that she take the dog to the shelter.

She’s not going anywhere!

But Brandi feared that the dog, could be euthanized at a shelter. The only way to guarantee that the nine-month-old Pit bull remains safe would be to adopt her. And that’s exactly what Brandi did!  She adopted the dog named “Honey.” “She’s got a good home now,” said Brandi. “She’s not going anywhere.” Brandi says she plans to train Honey to help her with her recently diagnosed diabetes by helping identify sugar lows. “I figured if I was going to keep her, I’d give her a purpose,” Brandi said. A joyful moment. This video is the sweetest thing to see today. Watch the video to know in detail this beautiful story!

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