Koala Sneaks Into Garden And Surprises Woman In The Pool With A Kiss

Koala sneaks into garden (Video)

Koalas are wonderfully sweet creatures and most of us can only dream of coming close to seeing one as they’re native to Australia. They avoid social interaction, probably because they sleep for 20 hours a day and are sadly under threat due to habitat loss, made even worse by the recent devastating bush fires. Sometimes they can wander into our world because they get lost and wander, and other times because they are curious to learn of the ‘strange’ creatures who own houses, and even have pools to chill in. So when one of these amazing creatures wandered into a back yard, in Adelaide Hills in South Australia, where a woman was swimming, she couldn’t believe her luck.

The koala slowly came down from a tree and into the fenced-in pool area. The camera gets remarkably close to the animal. House owner Lili Grace was taking a dip in their freshwater pool when she spotted her cuddly friend. The koala makes its way to the poolside. But before taking a sip, it studies the water. The koala places its hand in the water and observes its movements before deciding what to do next. Fortunately, the water is gentle and nearly still. Realizing that he’s probably thirsty, Lili cups her hands around the water and offers it to him, which he happily drinks. The koala slowly moves towards her hand and takes a sip of water.

A very curious koala

Both seem comfortable with their roles during the interaction. After the koala has taken a drink, Lila steps out of the pool to make friends with him. He seems so chilled as he sits there just looking at her. Before we know it, the woman leans her face into the koala’s. Instead of fleeing, the koala meets the woman halfway and their noses touch. The woman even caresses the koala on its nose and its face. Surprisingly, it doesn’t seem scared at all. Neither does the woman who strokes its fur while it looks around. Watch the video, the koala is curious and as Lila greets him, it appears as though he’s giving her a kiss.

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