Vet Saves And Comforts Badly Burned Dog – Vet’s Sweet Gesture Touched Everyone’s Hearts

Vet comforts burned dog after trauma (Video)

Taka’s life nearly ended in a fire. The 8-year-old Shiba Inu dog’s home caught fire while he was inside a screened-in porch. As hard as his family tried, they couldn’t get to him in time and had to run from the house. Then a miracle happened. Taka managed to escape the porch on his own, and ran down the street. A kind neighbor ended up finding him and hurried him to Care More Animal Hospital in Martinez, Georgia. “He had burns around his eyes, his mouth, his ears, his belly,” said Emily Martin, a vet at Care More Animal Hospital. Taka’s eyes were also badly injured — sadly, he ended up going blind. The team there have been doing everything they can to help him get better. Martin, in particular, has formed quite a soft spot for Taka. “I try to treat my patients all the same, but his case pulled at my heartstrings a bit more,” Martin said.

“When he came in, he was screaming from pain … but he calmed down the moment you sat with him and started singing to him.Martin spoke to Taka’s family shortly after his arrival at the vet hospital, and they ended up surrendering Taka into Martin’s care for the sake of his health. Since the hospital isn’t open 24 hours a day, Martin brought Taka home with her one night so he didn’t need to sleep alone. “I was up with him all night at my house, so the following day, we were both exhausted,” Martin said. The next day, Martin crawled inside Taka’s cage at the vet hospital, and the two of them took a nap together. One of Martin’s coworkers captured the moment in a photo. To Martin, one of the most amazing things about Taka is how gentle he is, despite everything he’s going through. “He doesn’t have a mean bone in his body,” Martin said. “A lot of times when animals are in pain, they’ll start biting just because they hurt, but he hasn’t once tried to bite. If anything, he’s comforted by people.”

An act of love

While it’s still too early to tell how the burns will affect Taka in the long run, Martin and the other vets are optimistic about his recovery, especially since he’s eating and going to the bathroom on his own. Martin’s become very attached to Taka, so she’s considering adopting him herself. That said, Martin already has five other dogs and a 7-month-old baby, so she admits that her home may not be the ideal place for Taka, who will need a lot of individual care. Taka was adopted by Crystal Lesley, from the hospital where he was treated, who had helped the shiba inu a lot since day one and wanted to be there for him every day. Watch his evolution in the video, some images are hard to describe but now that Taka is much better!

“He went through something so traumatic and so painful, and yet he doesn’t give up,” Martin said. “He’s so resilient.”

Crystal Lesley created a Facebook page so that everyone can follow the evolution of the adorable Taka. He’s getting better and better for our greatest happiness.

WARNING: Some images will bring tears to your eyes and are difficult to watch. The two videos below show his evolution, playing and finally happy with his new family.

Dog’s evolution:


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