Veteran With PTSD Reunited With His Dog After He Was Given Away While He Was Hospitalized

Watch the moment when they located each other. What a sweet reunion! (Video)

After a car crash left a veteran in the hospital, he never imagined that it would end with him losing his cherished dog. Larry is a veteran that struggles with PTSD and Sandy Girl is his emotional support dog. Air Force veteran, Larry Peteet from Land O’ Lakes, Florida, was driving home, when he fainted behind the wheel and crashed. After first responders arrived, before he was taken to the hospital, he was asked what should be done with his white Labrador retriever, Sandy Girl. Police at the scene had left Sandy Girl in the care of a neighbor, but the neighbor required to fly to California.

Larry was discharged three days after being in the hospital. When he went to his neighbor’s house to pick Sandy up, he was immediately met with panic when Sandy wasn’t there. Not able to look after the canine, the neighbor asked one more dog owner at a regional dog park to care for Sandy Girl. Larry’s recovery was taking time, and Sandy Girl was shed among the confusion as the story obtained retold and she was passed from a person to a person… Without knowing who had Sandy, or where she was, Peteet was determined to track her down, while also doing his best to not “freak out” in the meantime. The distraught veteran began to distribute missing dog flyers, as well as filing a police report. 

A meeting was arranged. She didn’t hesitate to recognize her best friend

Thinking that Sandy was abandoned, someone was caring for her and really did not recognize that Larry required her back. Police located some details but the trail was lost. Identified to find her, Larry set up posters and employed a pet detective, Jamie Katz from Fort Lauderdale. Katz’ detective work paid off when word got around and also Sandy’s caregiver called to say that he had her with him. Peteet said, “Unbelievable. I’ve been crying all morning. Just unbelievable. When I saw her, I called her name and she came running. It’s phenomenal. She’s home.” Watch the video, Katz informed Larry and filmed the moment when they located each other. What a sweet reunion!

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