Veterinarian Takes Blind Dog To The Beach For The First Time – Priceless Reaction

Blind dog discovers the beach for the first time (Video)

This beautiful Border Collie is blind and that has meant endless trials to overcome. But that doesn’t mean he has allowed himself to be defeated and is committed every day to live his life to the fullest and doing his best. So he showed it to his owner the day she decided to take him to the beach for the first time, the woman didn’t know what this adventure would be like, but she was determined to take the consequences.

Stevie’s human mother is 25-year-old veterinarian Alexa Lee, who lives on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. She adopted Stevie and together with his other companion, a Border Collie named Bobby, they ventured into the sea together and decided to record that moment. Although Alexa was unsure how Stevie would fair with so much going on around him, he had one of the best days playing in the sand and enjoying the water! Alexa knew that day would be special for her two furries but especially for Stevie who, despite not being able to see, would face a new environment full of different sensations that she had never experienced before.

A new environment full of different sensations

It turned out that Stevie was not only good at the beach, but also enjoyed adventure to the fullest. In a video that the generous woman decided to share on social networks, the dog is seen running along the beachfront as the sea gets his legs wet. Stevie runs into the water and then back into the arms of his mother, who fills him with hugs and reassures him. The sense of direction that the furry one has developed is amazing, and although he can’t see, Stevie knows very well how far from the sea he can dive.This family had a great time on the outing and it shows in the joy that the puppy overflows. Watch the video, see for yourself the happiness of this little animal.

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