Visually Impaired Man Thrown Out Of Supermarket Because Of Guide Dog!

Visually impaired man thrown out of supermarket! (Video)

A video of a visually impaired French man and his guide dog being kicked out of a supermarket has caused anger in France. Arthur Aumoite was filmed arguing with the manager as he was removed from the shop in Marseille because it was “unhygienic” to bring his guide dog inside. “Sir, I have hygiene standards to respect, I cannot accept any animals in the store.” This is what the manager told Arthur Aumoite, a visually impaired man, when he tried to enter the supermarket in Marseille with his guide dog Loya to buy groceries.

Aumoite posted a  video of the interaction along with a post where he describes being “violently thrown out by the supermarket director and a security guard”. In the video, the 25-year-old attempts to reason with the manager by citing French law that allows the presence of guide dogs in public places and refuses to leave the supermarket. Article 88 of a French law dating back to 1987 allows guide dogs to be present in public places. The video was shot by a third person who seemed to be with Aumoite. In his post, Aumoite says he is sharing the footage of the incident in order to fight discrimination. “Loya gives me so much joy and autonomy, that I would never change for a white cane. Together, let’s make sure that these behaviours change,” he wrote.

French law permits guide dogs to be used in any public space!

But after arguing with the manager and another employee for several minutes, asking them to call the police to clarify the law, the situation escalated. One of the supermarket security is filmed pushing Mr Aumoite, while the other is holding the handle of the dog’s harness. A scuffle ensues as Mr Aumoite stands his ground. The supermarket Monoprix released an apology on Tuesday on Twitter and Facebook, strongly condemning the incident. “We were even more shocked because Monoprix has been engaged for several years in the fight against discrimination of all kinds.” In a response to a journalist on Twitter, the French grocery chain said the director of the store apologised to the young man later that afternoon. “If for sanitary reasons, animals are not accepted in our stores, guides of the blind are obviously an exception.” Watch the video, the manager reaction and  his behavior will leave you speechless. What is your opinion on this subject?

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