Watch How Grateful Puppy Rescued From Chain Comforts Woman Who Saved Him!

The most adorable way to say thanks! (Video)

Ironically, dogs are supposed to be man’s best friends, which should translate to them being taken good care of. But it is almost certain that every day there is a poor dog suffering somewhere, starving and alone in the cold. Animal shelters try to help but they can only take in as many dogs. If they could speak, animals would sure have plenty to say to us for our cruelty. One day, a woman noticed a dog in her neighborhood. The poor pup was chained up and almost unable to move. He was starving and his skin was dirty with bald patches. When she first saw him, she thought that someone else was taking care of him and would come back to get him soon enough.

She waited but no one showed up. The poor dog just sat there, hungry, searing in the hot temperatures and in pain. It was one of the saddest things she had ever witnessed. This kind woman waited to see if someone would help him, but when nobody came to his aid, she decided to rescue him. He could die of heat and hunger. She unchained the pup, put him in her car and drove off. She was going to give him the care, love, and homes that he deserved. On his “freedom ride”, the dog did something that moved her to tears. It was an unexpected act of gratitude that was captured in a camera and shared on social media.

An unexpected act of gratitude!

It’s hard not to be emotional watching this sweet dog’s reaction. As she drove on, the dog sat on its hind legs then looked at her with the puppy eyes, only that it did not seem to be begging for something but rather saying thank you. As she rubbed his shabby fur, the dog raised its paw and placed it on her arm. This simple act moved her to tears and she was sobbing in a few minutes. The dog looked at her as if to say “You have saved my life. I owe it to you. Thank you so much.” As she continued to rub him under his mouth, he jumped on her and lay against her like it was the safest place in the world. Watch the video, when he placed his head against her, all she could say was ‘it’s okay’. She had saved his life, and he knew it.

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