In Baby’s Last Few Days Of Life, What The Dogs Did Surprise The Whole Family!

They surprise the whole family! (Video)

As someone who’s lived with dogs their whole life, I always had the feeling that dogs had the innate feeling to pick up on a human’s feelings, no matter how bottled up they might be. Ask any dog owner and you’ll hear countless stories of these dogs and their sixth sense. Well in the following story, you’ll hear about two Basset hounds that provided the utmost care to an infant in need…

When children first enter the world, parents want nothing more than to spend the rest of their lives with them. Unfortunately, some children don’t have too much time on this Earth, and their parents have to make the most of what little they have. Mary and John Hall are a couple from Minnesota whose lives turned upside down when their five month old daughter, Nora, suffered a stroke that caused severe brain damage. Soon, she was fighting for her little life at the Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis. For the next month, while Nora was undergoing treatment without as much as a fighting chance, there were two members of the Hall family that never left her side. No it wasn’t Mary and John Hall. It was Gracie and Grumpy, the Hall family’s two Basset hounds.

True and pure Love!

As if Gracie and Grumpy knew exactly what was going on, these dogs showed their beautiful compassion by never letting Nora out of their sight. Even during Nora’s last moments, Gracie and Grumpy were there. To make matters worse, the doctors gave the Halls terrible news. Nora wouldn’t survive and the Halls would need to say their goodbyes to their baby girl. That’s when Nora’s parents made an incredible request to help their daughter’s uphill battle. Watch the video, this is a moving and truly unforgettable moment! 

“I asked, ‘If you could let us have our dogs [at the hospital], we’d really appreciate that,'” Hall recalled. “I didn’t want to go home and have them sniffing around for her and not knowing where she went. They lowered the bed so the dogs could lay with her and Gracie ran up and licked her [Nora].

Hall said she is grateful for the hospital honoring the special exception of having Nora, Gracie and Grumpy together one last time. “She was just a really happy baby,” Hall said. “Before we went into the hospital, she’d just start laughing. She was happy all the time.”

Grumpy and Gracie truly are such amazing, loving creatures! Nora may no longer be with us, but rest assured that she’s now in heaven with the comforting fact that that Gracie and Grumpy will always be watching over her.


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