When The Owner Approaches The Horses, He Can’t Help Laughing!

When the owner approaches the horses! (Video)

Ben Hansen was checking on the horses when he noticed all of them were lying in the middle of the field. While some people would assume that’s something wrong when you see a horse down on the ground, it’s actually pretty normal. What’s that sound? A cow? A whale? Nope, not even close. It’s a snoring horse. Unless you spend a lot of time around horses, you might not be aware that they sometimes snore. Generally when horses snore, they’re pretty quiet. It’s also unlikely that you’ll hear a horse snore, since horses spend little time actually in a deep sleep, especially if people are around.

Horses usually catch some sleep while on their feet, occasionally lying down to get quality rest when they feel safe, but in order to get that important REM sleep, they end up lying down on the ground. So when Ben approached all four of them sleeping, he couldn’t help but smile at hearing what sounded like peaceful snoring. But then again, the snoring horses in this video are clearly no average horses. They snore incredibly loudly. Really, you have to hear it to believe it. These horses don’t hesitate to kick back, relax, and take a great nap. The sun is clearly warm, and it looks like they’re taking advantage of nap time. When horses lie down in open spaces like their paddocks, one horse will usually stand guard over the others. This is instinctual and is a behavior that horses would present when they lived in the wild; the guard horse watched for predators and alerted the other horses in case of danger.

A tremendous groaning sound!

When horses lie down, they’re at their most vulnerable. As a prey animal, a horse’s main defense is his speed and his ability to escape from a predator. It takes time for a horse to get up when he’s lying down, though. If your horse lets you approach him when he’s resting on the ground, it indicates that he puts a lot of trust in you. Just be careful, though, that you don’t startle a sleeping horse – he could kick out and accidentally hurt you. Watch the video because if you ever hear a tremendous groaning sound coming from the pasture, don’t panic – it may just be a snoring horse!

While this might appear to some as if the horses are in pain, please rest assured that they’re all fine. All of these horses are running around and playing.

Source: www.sciencesetavenir.fr

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