Woman Accused of Animal Cruelty – Judge’s Punishment Is Unusual But Brilliant

Judge’s punishment is brilliant (Video)

Judge Michael Cicconetti of Ohio has a knack for sentencing people outside of the legal norm. For this judge, justice is best served unconventionally. He explains that there is a “method to his madness,” he wants to stop the progression of small-time lawbreakers into more serious criminals. So when a woman accused of animal abuse walked into his courtroom, he knew exactly what to do. Alyssa Morrow had left her dog Moose alone in her filthy home for a week without coming back to check on him. The scared and abandoned pup was eventually discovered when police entered the home after a neighbor’s tip. Rightfully, Alyssa was charged with animal cruelty immediately after they found Moose.

Not only was Moose essentially left for dead by his careless owner, but his life before that terrible week was not wonderful either. Alyssa was a hoarder and the inside of her home was not fit for life of any kind. All the loving pup knew was mess and neglect. So Judge Cicconetti wanted Alyssa to feel exactly as Moose had his entire life! Alyssa was charged with, and pleaded guilty to, animal cruelty and was looking at 90 days in jail. But Judge Cicconetti had a different idea altogether. He’s a dog lover, and Morrow’s treatment of her pet incensed him. “You know I can’t interpret the feelings of a dog, but boy if dogs could tell you how they felt – “Abandoned?” Morrow interjected. “Oh yeah, and scared and frightened and sick. Maybe you should get a little taste of that.” Judge Cicconetti continued.

She will regret it when she finds out what she’s going to do

Alyssa approached the bench nervously and awaited the tough-talking judge’s sentence. After commenting about how scared poor Moose must have been, Judge Cicconetti went on to lash Alyssa with harsh condemnation for her actions and then doled out his strange punishment. She was going to be forced to live like Moose and experience life as he’s known it, or she was going to spend the next three months incarcerated. Watch the video, almost immediately, Alyssa chose to take the first option but she will regret it when she finds out what she’s going to do!

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