Woman Arrested After Video Shows Her Putting Dog in Car Trunk – Police Had to Intervene

She puts the dog into the trunk (Video)

People can be so deplorable. Take this woman, for instance. A Florida woman was arrested after video showed her placing a dog in the trunk of a car this week. Sheriff Wayne Ivey with the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office said that the woman, later identified at 27-year-old Sara Perry of Cocoa, Florida, brought the family pet to a local animal shelter. Ivey said she asked them to either take the dog or euthanize it because she no longer wanted to keep it. When the shelter staff told her that the shelter was full and could not accept an owner surrender she asked if they would just euthanize him because she didn’t want him anymore.

The shelter staff explained to her that they do not euthanize unwanted dogs for the public. Ivey said that Perry became extremely angry and returned to her car, where video was recorded of her shoving the dog into the trunk and driving away. A witness recorded the video and the shelter photographed the vehicle’s license plate. Not only did she want to have her dog euthanized just because she didn’t want him anymore, she shoved the pitiful looking dog into the trunk of her car when the shelter refused to grant her death wish. The Humane Society has a no-kill policy. And in any event, they would never euthanize an animal under owner request because they are humane.

Under Arrest

The Brevard County’s Sheriff’s Office was contacted and they were able to locate Perry and the dog. Ivey said the animal was visibly emaciated, in poor health and extremely malnourished. Authorities took possession of the dog who was visibly in poor condition. He has been taken into the care of Brevard County Animal Services. There he is getting some much needed medical and positive human attention. Perry was arrested and faces felony animal abuse charges. Watch the video, it shows her yanking the dog up into the trunk by the leash and her being arrested.

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