Woman Calls Cops on Black Man After Her Pup Got Humped By His Dog At The Park

She calls cops after her pup got humped (Video)

According to Franklin Baxley, the woman decided to call 911 after she believed his dog assaulted hers with an ‘aggressive hump‘. A dispute over one dog humping another prompted a woman to call the police on the black man in Massachusetts, according to dog owner Franklin Baxley. Insisting he immediately pulled his dog away, the pair became ensnared in a heated exchange when the woman asked Baxley to leave the park – and he refused. Another person at the park can be heard saying: “That’s inappropriate for the dog park”.

Moments later, it was Baxley’s dog got humped in return. “When the woman came in, my dog Dusse ran over and humped hers, so I immediately removed him and apologized, explaining that he’s a puppy. so she said, ‘I think you need to leave because your dog keeps doing that.’ I said I wasn’t leaving and she took out her phone and called 911. It escalated quick.” said Baxley. The man, a former attorney, posted several videos of the incident, where it has drawn nearly 1 million views. In the videos, the woman says into a cellphone that she is being “verbally assaulted” and later accuses Baxley’s dog of assaulting her dog.

She accuses the owner’s dog of assaulting her dog

Meanwhile, the three dogs continue to play with each other with no apparent issues as both owners follow them. Attleboro Police eventually arrived on the scene, and said both parties were reasonable and understanding. When asked if the woman’s use of 911 was justified in the circumstances, the Sergeant replied: ‘We have a motto written on the sides of our cars: no call too small.If you see something, say something – and we’ll investigate it.’ Watch the video, this clip sparked a furor online. Critics of the woman have nicknamed her Dog Park Diane!

Baxley told that after “comforting” the woman, the officer threatened to ticket him for his running car. Requests for comment from the Attleboro Police Department were not returned. Baxley decided to take his two dogs and leave because he didn’t want to be ticketed “or worse,” he said.

“I bet if I was white you wouldn’t have called the cops.” said Baxley.

When police officer arrives…

Source: www.afrikmag.com

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