Woman Caught on Camera Throwing 7 Puppies Into Dumpster – This Was a Shameful Act

Caught on camera throwing seven puppies (Video)

The Riverside County Department of Animal Services released surveillance video showing a woman stepping out of a white Jeep and peering into a dumpster used for recyclables before dropping a plastic bag into the trash dumpster and driving away. Thankfully, a man who rummaged through the trash contacted Riverside County Animal Services after he discovered a bag containing seven newborn puppies. Believed to be terrier-mixes, were guessed to be approximately 3 days old when they were tossed in the trash.

Officer Jose Cisneros responded to the call and asked to review a store’s surveillance footage. That’s where the woman was spotted pulling up the dumpster in a white Jeep Wrangler and quickly tossing the bag before pulling away. The mid-day temperatures in Coachella, California, can be very high, making it unlikely the pups would have survived if not found so quickly. Investigators say the bag was sealed and cavalierly tossed into the bin, causing Animal Services to term the case one of “willful act of animal cruelty,”.

If they had not been found as quickly as they were, the puppies wouldn’t have survived much longer

“The Good Samaritan played a major role in saving these puppies’ lives,” Riverside County Animal Service Commander Chris Mayer said. “His actions were humane and heroic.” “There is no excuse for dumping puppies,” Mayer said. “Especially in today’s age when we or other shelters would be willing to get these animals to foster parents or rescue partners. This was a shameful act.” Miraculously, all 7 puppies survived. Animal Services’ veterinary team members cared for the puppies along with a rescue group partner organization to take over bottle feeding duties. Watch the video, the woman was caught on camera throwing seven puppies into a dumpster.


Officers arrested Deborah Sue Culwell, 54, at her Coachella home. Culwell is facing up to seven counts of felony animal cruelty. She could spend up to 6 years in jail if convicted.

During the arrest, officers recovered an additional 30 more dogs at Culwell’s home, way more than allowed without a kennel permit. They were impounded and will be cared for at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus in Thousand Palms.

Source: www.huffingtonpost.fr

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